The Peter Agris Memorial Journalism Scholarships
Peter Agris Memorial Scholarship for Greek Americans pursuing careers in journalism and communications.
The Alpha Omega Council honors its late founder Peter Agris by presenting the Peter Agris Memorial Scholarships annually to several young Greek Americans pursuing studies in the fields of journalism or communications. Established and conducted in cooperation with the Agris family, the program marked its 36th anniversary in 2022, providing $700,000 in critical funding to 136 deserving graduate and undergraduate students and creating a national network of Greek American media professionals.
Peter Agris was the founder and publisher of The Hellenic Chronicle, for fifty years the premier Greek American national English-language weekly newspaper in the United States. Mr. Agris was an Archon of the Greek Orthodox Church and a Trustee of Hellenic College/Holy Cross School of Theology, as well as of Anatolia College, and of The American College of Greece. Mr. Agris was also an AHEPAN, and he worked tirelessly throughout his life to improve relations between the United States and Greece.
- Being of Greek American descent and U.S. citizenship
- Current full-time enrollment as a journalism or communications major at the graduate or undergraduate level at an accredited college or university in the United States
- Active participation in school, community, church organizations
- A minimum of a 3.0 GPA and demonstrated financial need
Criteria for Scholarship candidates include:
The $5,000 non-renewable annual scholarships are presented at The Alpha Omega Council’s Annual Lifetime Achievement Award Banquet typically held in the Fall of each year. At this event, a prominent Greek American is honored for his or her lifetime of professional achievement and contributions to Hellenism.

The 2020 Agris Journalism Scholarships were presented on November 13, 2021, at the Trustees Dinner, which also honored Amb. Gianna Angelopoulou-Daskalaki. Standing from left: George Evangeloulis, recipient; Peter Lemonias, Scholarship Committee Chair; Costas Sideridis, AOC President; and recipients Eva Kirie and George Gemelas. Seated, from left: Nancy Agris Savage, Scholarship Executive Director; and Master of Ceremonies, Peter Eliopoulos, WCVB TV General Assignment Reporter, and 2015 Agris Scholarship recipient. Unable to attend were 2020 recipients Brett Forrest, Alexander Jusdanis, and Sarah Katsiyiannis.

The 2021 Agris Journalism Scholarships were presented on the same evening. Standing from left: recipients Maria Wilson, Ephemia Nicolakis, Tia Rotolo, and Natalie Psyhogeos, Scholarship Chair Peter Lemonias, AOC President Costas Sideridis, and recipients Theodore Canter and Marissa Aivazis. Seated, from left: Scholarship Executive Director Nancy Agris Savage and MC Peter Eliopoulos.

The 2022 Peter Agris Journalism Scholarships were presented on November 5, 2022, at the Annual Honors Gala held at The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, which also honored The Order of AHEPA on its 100th Anniversary. Standing from left: Mary Markos, Boston NBCTV10 general assignment reporter; Peter Eliopoulos, Boston WCVB general assignment reporter, the evening’s master of ceremonies and former Agris recipient; Sophia Pandelidis, recipient; Alexis Zacharakos, recipient; Catherine Greub, recipient; Ariana Psarakos, recipient; Kyriaki Melizanis, recipient; Anastasia Poulos, recipient; and David Paleologos, Agris Scholarship Committee member. Seated from left: Nicholas Ypsilantis, former AOC president and Scholarship Committee member; Nancy Agris Savage, Scholarship Committee Executive Director; Peter Lemonias, former AOC president and Scholarship Committee Chair; and Paul Tsitsopoulos, AOC President. (Photo Areti Bratsis)